Specialize in manufacturing supermarket accessories

Slat wall Display Hooks Make Supermarkets Escape from Theft

Views: 1022 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: Origin: Site

As supermarkets,on the one hand,we are always trying to improve our customers excellent shopping experience,on the other hand,we also hope all the supermarket fixtures can be safe enough so that we can escape from annoying security worries.


Today here CSOURUITE will introduce a great supermarket fixture to you,which is called slat wall anti-theft security display hook with locking.

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They are mainly used in supermarket and cell phone shops,exhibition occasions.

This kind of supermarket slat wall metal hook can give more safety and care to your displayed goods.

This safety display hook is specially used for display valuable / precious goods and some goods that does not suitable to be touched many times or to be open the packing for many times by the buyers.


Hang the goods on the steel wire, then push the locking part to have it locked .with a special specification Magnetic key you can have it unlocked.


Easy assembling ,easy operation ,bearing, give great security and care to your goods.If you want to make your supermarket safer,please do not hesitate to contact with us at bmwz3@126.com and get this new powerful supermarket metal hooks.