Specialize in manufacturing supermarket accessories

Where to use the supermarket metal hooks

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At Shelves for Shops we have a range of different  hooks system , such as metal panel hookspeg board hookshooks for slat wall and slat grid metal hooks .Plus,they are available in a range of sizes. 

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CSOURUITE hooks are the cheapest yet most effective way of merchandising hanging items in your shop. Commonly used in milk bars, convenience stores, supermarkets and petrol stations, to name a few! These hooks fit a range of different storage systems including our mesh and punch panel gondola shelving, slatwall and slat grid. They can be used to hang accessories, toys, confectionery, phone cards, electronics...the list goes on! The hooks can be easily added or removed depending on your stock levels. Strong and sturdy, these items are perfect to display any items that need to be hung in your shop. 

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If you have questions about which hooks are right for your storage or shelving system, please contact our team today.